Sunday, July 29, 2007

Goodbye Wannado City

We had so much fun at Wannado City we hated to leave. This will be something that we will definitely do again. Before we left we put all Nick's wangas in his Wannado bank account. He has an ATM card with a pin number for when he comes back. He worked hard and earned lots of money, he now has over $600 wangas in his account. Next time he comes he will get another paycheck at the door and he will still have his money from the bank.

Wannado City is connected to the Saw Grass outlets. This is the fun parent part. This outlet mall is bigger than anyone I have ever seen. Steven and I walked what seem like forever and we didn't even get through half of it. People rent what looks like mesh shopping carts to hold all their purchases, there is even a seat of the cart, so you have some where to sit and take a rest. I saw people pulling their cart with their spouse sitting on the seat because the mall is so big.

Nick's Wannado Gold ATM card, never leave home without it.

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