Ashe was sitting so nicely in his Boppy until he managed to turn himself around and around in circles. He ended up under the coffee table. This little one is into everything. I can't imagine how we will keep up with him when he can crawl or even walk.
After First Holy Communion we spent the day at Sea World together. Nick took the picture of the manatee. It was a rescued manatee it only had one flipper in the front.
The Easter bunny left a note for Nick having him find 24 eggs hidden around the house. It was filled with more chocolate, like Nick really needs anymore candy. Nick had a basket with a movie, games, and candy. Ashe got chewy and musical toys in his basket, however he was most interested in his ducky basket.
Ashe is showing you what he did all night in his crib...SLEEP. Then this morning he woke up and he was 6 months old. He slept in his crib for the whole night. Mommy and Daddy didn't sleep well because we listen to the monitor all night. Happy 1/2 Year Birthday, Ashe.
Now that Ashe has a big boy tooth. Mommy makes sure he does a good job brushing that tooth. I love this picture, Ahse looks like he is studying his brother's brushing habits. This one will be another no-cavity boy.